March 5, 2012

Turkey Wrap

I found a "tortilla" recipe in the book listed below and made them up. I don't think I'm allowed to put it on the blog for copyright purposes, but it has egg whites, coconut flour and baking powder. Anyways, we had leftover turkey from last night so I shredded some, with some spinach and avocado, sprinkled it with lemon juice, salt and pepper, and wrapped it up in one of these babies. Totally delicious. My husband walked in while I was eating and pointed out I eat better (as in tastier) food since I started Paleo. Yes I do. It's good stuff.
This is my favorite cookbook right now:


  1. Know what's amazing? I just went to the link for this book and it's available in Kindle format!!!!! So it's really worth buying? Cause if so I'm going to check it out! :-)

  2. I think so. I have over half of the recipes (maybe more?) dog-eared on mine. They have some fabulous recipes - this is where I got the idea for the paleo oven baked chicken - they actually fry their chicken in coconut oil, but I don't like frying, so I did oven-baked. Lots of staple recipes, too - paleo mayo, BBQ sauces, gravy, "rice", "mashed potato", etc. Lots of southern flavor, too. I did pass on the beef tongue tacos...
